3M Window Films

Why Tint With 3M™ Window Film Products?

3M™ Window Film can be used on a car, in the home, workplace, as well as on building windows.  A bonus being that it lasts a long time thanks to the stability of Carbon Technology. Think about the trees after a bushfire, the carbon is still very black years later. That’s an indication of how stable carbon is and that same stability means that 3M window films consistently protects the interior of your home, office, or vehicle from the all the  aspects of solar radiation. It will keep the occupants  safer from harsh UV rays.


There are many series of 3M™ Window Film available, coming in different tones/shades. Which allows our customers to achieve different goals. Film offers maximum protection from the sun’s ultraviolet rays and rejects up to 72% of solar energy. Not only allowing your home or office to look great, it will become a cooler, safer place for you and your family to work in. It also protects carpets, wood floors, family photos and artwork that can be vulnerable to fading and help it last longer.


The Color-Stable technology used in 3M™ Window Film reduces the reflectivity of the film. In some conditions, looking through certain products can almost be like looking into a mirror – particularly at night. That’s why 3M™ named these Window Films the “Night Vision” series.


Whether you choose 3M™ Window Films for your car, home, or your place of business, 3M™ Window Films give you the peace of mind that your installation will be covered with one of the most comprehensive warranties available.

3M also covers against thermal fractures. Seal Failure on insulated windows can also be covered if there is an existing window warranty in place.